Act-On Software

Since 2014, we’ve helped hundreds of Actonians achieve their goals and create the best work of their careers.


Happy clients


Campaigns launched


Pipeline generated

Acquire Star Plan

Be sought after for what makes you unique

Lack of focus is the #1 success killer and why so many campaigns fall flat and are late to launch. Together we will create a more predictable and sustainable lead generation strategy by crafting compelling messaging and doubling down on the promotions that matter most to your prospects and customers.


Acquire Star Act

Launch High-Performing Campaigns

New ideas and ongoing campaigning are needed to improve marketing success. Together we will establish an agile cadence to developing high-value content and launching impactful campaigns, allowing us to test, evaluate and optimize each effort.


Acquire Star Learn

Build the Foundation for Success

Staying up-to-date on digital marketing best practices and knowing how to use your MarTech effectively, is vital for seeing positive returns on your marketing automation investment. Together we will create a scalable system to help your team work smarter.

“Manu’s experience with helping B2B companies scale their marketing automation strategy has led him to become one of the most creative marketers leveraging the Act-On platform today.”

Bill Kent

Senior Marketing Consultant

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Act-On All-Star

We know how to help you achieve your goals with Act-On.

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